Sciences Model Papers

Ideal Moral Community: Analyses and Findings Addendum

Since research and its interpretation are paramount for the effective functioning of any modern society, there should also be ethical principles governing the process. In terms of research findings, the principle of the utmost importance would strictly forbid concealment or alteration of the findings. Data obtained from basic or fundamental...

The SQUIRE Guidelines Overview

Helpful Information Standards for quality improvement reporting excellence (SQUIRE) guidelines offer a framework for evaluating the type and efficacy of interventions meant to enhance the quality of care. The current presentation contains sections such as introduction, background and motivation for the project, literature review, objectives and scope of study, implementation...

Data Analysis: Historical Data in Thailand

Introduction The present paper provides a basic analysis of selected historical data on Thailand. The dataset under analysis was created using the data from World Bank, an open database on historical data about the country’s metrics on economic performance, land use, climate change, and population change education. The present paper...

Evolution: The Attempts to Modernize Tennessee

The conflict between evolution, religion and cultural beliefs has existed for an extended period. Tennessee was not an exception because it became an international symbol of modernism resistance in 1925. This is because of the legislature’s passage of the bill that barred all public schools from teaching about human beings’...

Precision Agriculture in Farming

Introduction Precision Agriculture (PA) describes a rustic production context that relies on innovation and data with the ultimate aim of decision-making, dissecting, and overseeing the modules. An example of such a framework is the empirical spatial and transient variation in obtaining the superficial value, ecological protection, and sustainability. Nowadays, most...

Mycenae and Troy as Archaeological Sites

Archaeology can help historians understand past events better, as old maps can help archaeologists identify ancient sites. Without the work of archaeologists who excavated the sites of Mycenae, Hisarlik and Turkey, this map of the ancient towns of Mycenae or Troy, leading belligerents in the Trojan War, would be almost...

Discussion of Greek and Roman Agriculture

The first states on the territory of Greece arose in the II-I millennium BC on the island of Crete and in the Peloponnese. The existing type of economy was based on the productive labor of foreign slaves captured in the war. The ancient economy developed on the scale of small...

Aspects of Statistical Mathematics

In descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency are a phenomenon that gives insights into the scores on a specific group of data on which they cluster. Literary, for someone interacting with a distribution of data sets, these measures answer the question of where the center is. It gives one predictive...

The Main Factors and Causes Affecting the Bermuda Triangle

Research question: What are the main factors and causes affecting the Bermuda Triangle and preconditioning disappearance of aircraft, ships, and its mystification. Goal: To gather accurate and credible evidence explaining the unusual nature of the Bermuda Triangle and demystifying the disappearances of ships and planes in the area. The Editors...

Gender Studies of T. Rex Bones by Dr. Schweitzer

For this post, I chose the article “Experts Tell Mr. from Mrs. Dinosaur.” It overviews a discovery of specialized bone tissue that, when compared with modern birds, allows researchers to determine the gender of an individual. Previously, it was impossible to decide on the gender of a dinosaur due to...