Psychology Model Papers

Family Environment and Child Development

Family Environment and Child Development Family plays the main role in the development of child’s personality, especially in early childhood. Parents of the underage person, as well as his or her closest family members, develop in the child those qualities that will be essential in the adult life. Therefore, the...

A Philosophical Exploration of the Self

Introduction The study of the nature of personality, the mechanisms of manifestation of consciousness and awareness, combined with the comprehension of the phenomenon of human identity, is a crucial issue of philosophical research. Having transcended the unconscious animal’s stage, humans acquired thinking and mind, which were subsequently directed toward self-exploration....

Meaning of “To Love” on Behaviorist Terms

According to the behaviorist outlook, this approach to the scientific study of love might not be suitable because behaviorism is based on a different set of values that do not go hand in hand with the process of feeling passion or desiring someone. Speaking of a behaviorist definition of love,...

Stress and Mental Illness

Becoming a teenager could be the most exciting, intensive, and complicated moment in the lives of many people. Within this period, most teens attempt to enhance their sense of belonging and self-identification in the world through various strategies. The urge to develop new behavior models while adapting to social norms...

Psychological Help: Difficulty in Interpersonal Communication

Introduction Clay Jensen is seeking help now as he is having a traumatic experience related to his friend committing suicide irrationally. Clay experiences intrusion symptoms, the effect of the incident on mood and thoughts, and changes in reaction. Uncontrollable recalling of the event of a friend’s death often causes the...

Mistaken Eyewitness Identification and Solutions from Psychological Sciences

Over the past decades, the advancement of forensic science has been tremendous. The substantial advancements in collecting and analyzing crime scene evidence were vital to the discovery of significant amounts of cases in which false eyewitness testimonies resulted in wrongful imprisonment. The article by Wells (2020) investigates the process by...

Therapeutic Work With Prisoners Who Self-Harm or Are Suicidal

Introduction The prison is a unique social institution where offenders are detained with the hope that they will be reformed before they are integrated back into society. Practitioners working within the custodial environment face significant challenges because of the complexities in the settings. Most clients in the correctional facilities have...

Cognitive Development Theories

Introduction Cognitive development is the process by which children investigate, reason, and solve problems. It is concerned with developing dispositions, knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and skills necessary to comprehend their environment and the world in general. Cognitive growth often requires mental health and brain formation. Numerous hypotheses have been established through...

Purpose as a Central Success Factor

The life of every person can be viewed as a constant struggle to attain particular success, acquire the desired status, and generate benefits that can be used to create a comfortable environment. However, when some individuals succeed and achieve their goals, others fail and feel unsatisfied. Multiple factors influence the...

Jane Doe’s Depression Problem: Interpersonal Relationships

Jane Doe has been experiencing depressive symptoms for several years, which worsened half a year ago due to her dismissal from her job. She notes that this condition prevents her from functioning normally in everyday life. Moreover, she has no friends and a soul mate. A client experiences difficulties finding...

Controversial Aspects of Psychology

Psychology is a relatively modern therefore an extremely flexible science, which does not yet provide systematic knowledge or evidence base for each doctrinal assertion. Controversial discoveries and ideas coming from scientists with opposing views on research and psychology itself make it crucial to consider every possible theory. Development of psychology...