Motivational Problems at Work

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Page count 2
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Subject Business
Type Essay
Language 🇺🇸 US

Motivation plays a critical role in human life. In this regard, it is important that the same concept of motivation is applied in work place. This will go along way in fulfilling job satisfaction in a company. Job satisfaction refers to the feeling or the state of mind that one has in regard to their nature of work. In can be influenced by a variety of factors such as work wellness programs within the workplace, employee relationship with top management and supervisors, ability to achieve their work targets, the quality of the physical environment in which one works.

Work has for centuries remained one of the most fundamentals tasks in life of a human being. Research focusing on the biopsychosocial impacts of work satisfaction and dissatisfaction on the modern worker suggests that “one’s level of satisfaction with one’s work impacts upon one’s mental and physical health and overall satisfaction with life” (Jex, 2008). The philosophy is that in exchange for offering their services, employees are entitled to more than their pay, benefits and healthy and safe systems of work. Employees should also be entitled to consideration as human beings, especially when one considers that majority of their problems arise in the context of the work and are hence best dealt with there to achieve job high job satisfaction levels.

According to Jex (2008), “the employees worries and resulting stress may well arise from their work and their concerns about security, money, health and relationships with others”. These form the general factors that determine and define job satisfaction.

Impact that organizational socialization on job satisfaction

In the realization that people form the most prized asset of any organizations, there is need to attach the greatest value to their well being for the best overall organizational performance organizational socialization refers to “A process where employees learn about and adapt to new jobs, roles and the culture of the workplace (Rain, Lane & Steiner, 1991). The impact of socialization on job satisfaction cannot be undermined because the level and quality of organizational socialization is directly correlated to the levels of job satisfaction.

Available literature on the topic indicates that “the faster the new hires are socialized and absorbed in organizational settings and culture, the higher their levels of job satisfaction and the higher their levels of commitment to the organization”. (Jex, 2008). Companies that have initiated self selection process for new recruits’ mentors have demonstrated high levels of job satisfaction amongst employees during their orientation periods. Furthermore, the successful completion of formal socialization programs within an organization has great impact on the levels of job satisfaction. This issue is well demonstrated by in stating that “Completion of a formal socialization program increases employee productivity, increases self assurance on the job, increases job satisfaction, motivation and commitment to the organization.” (Jex, 2008). This is because the ability of a worker to quickly adapt to the new system not only increases reliability but also increases motivation; the critical indicators in job satisfaction.

In addition to the above, there is a great need to take a keen consideration in the selection of supervisors within an organization because they play a very critical role in enhancing employee satisfaction. Interpersonal relations brought about by the adequate amount of interaction time create the opportunity for employee interactions and socialization thereby translating to improved performance and happier individual within the workplace. This help in the development of teamwork and respect towards one another. The ability to relate equally with all employees and treat them enhances levels of interactions. This therefore point to the roles of supervisors and top management in appreciating the positive roles of social interaction in achieving job satisfaction.

Motivation Problem

“It is prudent to note that lack of job satisfaction has been a big motivational problem in most work places” (Snell, and Bohlander, 2007). This is because managers use wrong strategies that do not enable employees to fulfill job satisfaction needs. Job satisfaction is part of self actualization need which has been highlighted by Maslow

Available intervention to lack of job satisfaction in work place

The problem of lack of job satisfaction among the employees can be effectively be solved by the application of Herzberg motivational theory.

Job enlargement – “workers should be given a greater variety of tasks to perform (not necessarily more challenging) which should make the work more interesting” (Rain, Lane, & Steiner, 1991). This will enhance employee morale and strongly motivate them hence move towards achieving job satisfaction.

Job enrichment – “involves workers being given a wider range of more complex, interesting and challenging tasks surrounding a complete unit of work which will give a greater sense of achievement” (Rain, Lane, & Steiner, 1991). This will improve employee’s interest in the job and strongly motivate them hence move towards achieving job satisfaction

Empowerment means “delegating more power to employees to make their own decisions over areas of their working life” (Rain, Lane, & Steiner, 1991). This will enhance employee morale and strongly motivate them hence move towards achieving job satisfaction.


Jex, S. M. (2008). Organizational psychology: A scientist- practitioner approach. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.

Rain, J.S., Lane, I.M. & Steiner, D.D. (1991). A current look at the job satisfaction/life satisfaction relationship: Review and future considerations. Human Relations, 44, 287–307.

Snell, C. and Bohlander, G.W. (2007). Managing human resources.London: Cengage Learning.

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EduRaven. (2021, December 20). Motivational Problems at Work.

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"Motivational Problems at Work." EduRaven, 20 Dec. 2021,


EduRaven. (2021) 'Motivational Problems at Work'. 20 December.


EduRaven. 2021. "Motivational Problems at Work." December 20, 2021.

1. EduRaven. "Motivational Problems at Work." December 20, 2021.


EduRaven. "Motivational Problems at Work." December 20, 2021.


EduRaven. 2021. "Motivational Problems at Work." December 20, 2021.

1. EduRaven. "Motivational Problems at Work." December 20, 2021.


EduRaven. "Motivational Problems at Work." December 20, 2021.